pondělí 21. července 2014

Summer Day in Augsburg ZOO

Hello, my dear readers ♥

A few weeks ago we went to a ZOO in Augsburg and did a little sight-seeing in the center of town as well. I like ZOOs so much *o* I don´t share this idea that animals shouldn´t be kept in ZOO because they´re suffering, so far what I visited - they always seemed very happy, in natural environment and in a good shape. No signs of tired, hungry, poor animals... I think that it´s much better for them to be in the ZOO than free but in a place where they are in constant danger of being killed by humans for fun or money...

And since I can´t have any cute fluffy pet at home, after some time I always need to be in animal presence to feel happy again =) My boyfriend knows this, so after I couldn´t go to a June lolita meet-up because of the train intervals on Sunday, he almost instantly decided that we´re going to the ZOO instead =D Of course it made my day 100% better !

The ZOO in Augsburg is the perfect size - not huuuuge like in Prague where you end totally dead after a whole day and still you didn´t see all animals. We needed only three or four hours and saw everything + I spent 40 minutes watching elephants, because I just love them ♥

We still had some time left after that, so we decided to take a look in the center as well. And we didn´t regret - Augsburg is such a pretty town ! Beautiful historical buildings and tiny cute canals through all the town center. To take a rest from walking all day we stopped to have a cake and tea in a really old patisserie Dichtl. All cakes there were sooo beautiful *o* I had a raspberry&prosecco desert and it was delicious ♥

And now for some cute photos & my outfit of the day !

these cute little birds were so busy making their rounded nests all over the tree =)

sorry for the weird photo, but MANED WOLVES ! They´re so beautiful *o* it was the first time I saw them !

they were so close *___*

baby meerkats ♥

This ostrich was judging everyone who passed by while the black shaved alpaca was chilling hard and laughing on us =D

Fennec ♥

canal bridge over a canal o_o

nom nom nom ♥

And here is what I wore for that day - floral dress, crochet bag and rounded sunglasses - a bit like from ´60s =D

dress - Gudrun Sjõdén
bag - DIY
sandals - Reno

Do you like ZOOs? And what is your favourite animal ?
As I said before I love elephants, but also anteaters and because of The Owls of Ga´Hool I´m always looking for owls, especially Eurasian Pygmy Owl alias Kulíšek Nejmenší *o* they are the cutest !

Have a nice day, everyone ♥

4 komentáře:

  1. bože to jsou tak hipísácký šaty :DDD
    A vlka hřivnatého máme v Plzni taky, vidíš ještě jsem tam dělala málo srazů, když jsi ho neviděla! :DD
    Jo a zajímalo by mě, jak vyrábějí tyhle ty blob dortíky... nikdy jsem si žádný nedala, protože jsem spíš pohárový člověk ale vypadají úžasně.

    1. To víš vracím se do puberty ! Když jsme chodily s Maxé jako hipízačky =D

      jeee =( já si z Plzně pamatuju jenom ty ptáky a tu akci tam s nima a pak vlky nahoře, tygra a mangusty ! Kruciš, jak jsem ho mohla přehlídnout - a to jsem tam byla dvakrát -_-

      Vůbec nevím co je to za magii tyhle dortíky...a ono to k poháru nemělo daleko, v tom snad ani žádná sušenka nebyla jenom taková tvarohová nom nom pěna =)

  2. Jé jaktože nevím o tomhle článku! :D Já miluju ZOO, hrozně moc, mohla bych tam chodit snad každý den :D Připadám si jako magor, ale fakt jako..všude plno zvířat, to je nejlepší. Zbožňuju medvědy (ale ne malajský), lemury (ale ne další opice :D), a pak v Děčíně je několik klecí kde jsou všechny možný sovy a krkavci který si rádi hrajou a chytaj do zobáku minišišky když jim to házíš! :D Takže váš výlet vám závidím, a taky tvoje šaty - jsou krásný :)
